January 2021

Temple First

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 3, 2021

When you rebuild on what lasts, start with the “Temple.” The Blessing of God exists only when you put Him first!

Rise and Rebuild

Bible Revival

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 10, 2021

A strong foundation is built on God‘s word. His word should be: Lifted, Learned, Loved, and Lived.

Rise and Rebuild

Discipleship Devotion

Rebuild Together

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 17, 2021

We must share the BURDEN! We must share the BUILDING! We must share the BATTLE!

Rise and Rebuild

Peace Prayer Unity

Positioned For Progress

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 24, 2021

Christian culture promotes progress! Learn how to allow God to transform your life and give you good progress.

Rise and Rebuild

Growth Transformation

February 2021

You Got The Right One Baby

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Feb 14, 2021

Part 2 of the Family Makeover series is for the singles! Pastor Jonathan unpacks 4 important elements that will help you find the right one.

Family Makeover


Parenting like the Patriarchs

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Feb 21, 2021

Next to your spouse, the greatest gift God can give you is your kids. In part 3 of the Family Makeover series, there‘s three important lessons on parenting for legacy.

Family Makeover

Family Marriage Parenting

Staying in Love for Life

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • Feb 28, 2021

Special guest speaker, Pastor Joakim Lundqvist, gives some wise advice on keeping love alive

Family Makeover

Marriage Relationships

March 2021

I‘m Complicated

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 7, 2021

FLESH. SOUL. SPIRIT. We are comprised of 3 parts but only one of them should be calling the shots. Discover how to make your spirit take charge. It's time for choices to lead and feelings to follow.

Good News for the Poor

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 14, 2021

Physical needs are prevalent but the message of Jesus brings provision and hope, both naturally and supernaturally, to anyone dependent on Him!

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

He Binds the Broken

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 21, 2021

Healing didn‘t just occur when Jesus was walking on earth; he still heals today! Check out these 5 reasons why Jesus desires to bring healing into our lives right now!

Good Good News

Healing Jesus Redemption Salvation

Freedom for the Prisoners

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 28, 2021

Freedom isn‘t just found where you live; it‘s fully experienced by knowing Jesus. No matter your actions, thoughts, or feelings, the power of Jesus can set you free today!

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

April 2021

Favor Has Come

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 4, 2021

Favor isn‘t temporary; it‘s eternal! Discover the five areas that we can have favor with God because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!  

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

I Am Called

Jon Torres • Apr 11, 2021

God’s call is for you in every season, not just what's next in your life. Embrace where you are today as you become everything that God has created you for!

From Failure to Freedom

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Apr 18, 2021

Failure is real, but with God‘s forgiveness, it becomes part of our journey into the freedom we have in Jesus. Though life may shake us, God is using our circumstances to make us!

Who Do You Think You Are?

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 25, 2021

As Christians, our identity is in Christ alone. Through Jesus, we can truly live out who we are because only God can define us!

May 2021

Labeling Jesus

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 2, 2021

To know Jesus fully, we must see him clearly. As God’s Son, discover that the Savior of the world is everything to you today that He spoke about during His time on earth.

The Real Jesus


He Had A Secret

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 9, 2021

Fully God and fully man, Jesus’ embodiment of the Holy Spirit was essential to everything He did. Discover how the Holy Spirit can impact our lives today and help us fulfill God’s purposes.

The Real Jesus

Jesus The Holy Spirit

How We Treat People

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 16, 2021

Loving, serving, and forgiving is the model for life with others. Just like Christ, this is how we are to be to one another regardless of how we are treated.

The Real Jesus
