Volunteer & Serve

The Ateam

The Ateam

The 'A' in Ateam stands for Activate - because at Bethany, we believe every person should be activated in their God given purpose and giftings. As a part of the Ateam, you can discover the unique skills and purposes for your life while serving the local church in a fun, life giving atmosphere.

How do I Start?

Ready to dive in and find your spot? Choose an option below to start your journey,
or Find Out More about the two branches of the Ateam. 

The Two Branches
of the Ateam

Ateam Serve

The Ateam is what makes the weekends happen. We couldn't do anything without the help of this talented team of dedicated volunteers. It's a great spot to use your gifts and find purpose through serving in the local church. 

Do you love meeting new people and connecting in new relationships? Maybe Guest Services is just the team for you! Is prayer your passion? Join the Intercessory Prayer team at your campus! Maybe you have a special talent and gift for cameras and photography? Small teams like these, as well as teams for parking, security, lobby hosts and greeters, sanctuary hosts, BKids and BTots volunteers, worship and more all make up the Ateam. No matter what your gift or skill or passion is, there is a place to serve and to find purpose.”

Join This Team Areas You Can Serve

Ateam Outreach

Ateam outreach is dedicated to reaching the local community and making a positive impact in the lives of those in need. Whether you are looking to volunteer your time or donate resources, there are many ways to get involved. Find purpose and a sense of community as you serve alongside other like-minded individuals. We provide training and support for all volunteers, so whether you are new to Bethany or have been a member for years, there's a place for you on the Ateam!

Join this Team Find out More

Areas You Can Serve

Ateam is comprised of many small teams and groups of people that together help us accomplish a lot. Browse the teams below to see what interests you.

  • Prayer Team

  • First Impressions

  • Guest Services

  • Lobby Host

  • Parking Team

  • Sanctuary Host

  • Security Team

  • Altar Ministry Team

  • Creative + Production

  • Bkids + Btots

  • Nextgen - Bold

  • Nextgen - BYA

  • Worship

  • Set Up / Tear Down (Ascension Campus)

  • Translation Team (South Baton Rouge Campus)